
FAQ - Circle K EUROPE Card

Here you will find all questions and answers about our Circle K EUROPE card and more information.
  • Who does accept Circle K EUROPE cards?

    ROUTEX is an alliance between AGIP (ENI), BP/ARAL, Circle K and OMV. The Circle K EUROPE card is accepted at all sites of their networks in Europe. The card is also accepted in networks such as G&V (BP), Texaco and Esso in Belgium and some AVIA sites in France.

    Customers must ensure there is a ROUTEX sign displayed at the site they have chosen before starting to fuel their vehicle, or check the route planner & map

    You can also use the Circle K EUROPE card to pay for various on-road services including road tolls, taxes, bridges, tunnels and vehicle breakdown recovery. For detailed information please see the Services section of this website.

    Country Agip BP OMV Circle K 123 Others
    Austria X X X      
    Belgium           G&V, TEXACO, Esso
    Bulgaria     X      
    Switzerland X X        
    Czech Republic X   X      
    Germany X X X     Aral
    Denmark       X X Ingo
    Spain   X        
    Estonia       X    
    France X X       AVIA
    United Kingdom   X        
    Greece   X        
    Hungary X   X      
    Croatia           Crodux
    Italy X          
    Luxembourg   X        
    Lithuania       X X  
    Latvia       X X  
    Norway       X X BEST, Ingo
    Netherlands X         TEXACO
    Portugal X          
    Poland X     X X  
    Romania   X        
    Russia       X   Selected TNK, Rosneft and BP sites
    Sweden       X X Ingo
    Serbia & Montenegro     X      
    Slovenia     X      
    Slovakia     X      
    Turkey   X        


  • Are there any discounts for fuelling abroad?

    There are international discounts available on diesel fuel with the Circle K EUROPE card. Discounts vary from country to country and depend on volume and market.

  • Is it possible to get VAT refunds on purchases made with the Circle K EUROPE card?

    It is possible to get VAT refunds from all EU countries, from Switzerland, Norway and some other countries. From January 2010, VAT refunds form EU countries should be completed within 4-6 months from receipt of the claim. Customers can change their VAT agents quarterly or annually.

    More information about VAT refunds is available in the VAT refunds section of our website.

  • What are the fees for VAT refunds?

    Fees for VAT refunds range from 0% (for customers who arrange the refunds themselves) up to 12% of the VAT amount for those using an agent. The fees depend on country, competition and the time allowed for the VAT refund. It is possible to claim an immediate refund (till the day 15th for period of previous month) through Intrum Justitia, the official VAT refunds partner for Circle K customers, though the fees in that case are higher than for refunds over 6 months.
    More information is available in the VAT refunds section of our website.

  • Which on-road services can I buy with the Circle K EUROPE card?

    The Circle K EUROPE card is accepted at many places providing additional services for travellers and hauliers. The most popular on-road services available with the Circle K EUROPE card include: German road tax (Toll Collect), French & Spanish motorway tolls (Tis PL & BiBox), Italian motorway tolls (Viacard & Telepass) and Austrian road tax (GoBox). 

    Please note that these on-road services are provided by third parties and not by ROUTEX or any of the companies issuing ROUTEX cards.

    Links to the companies providing these services and more information is available in the Services section of our website.

  • Are there any fees for diesel or for on-road services?

    ROUTEX does not charge any fees for fuelling, but as on-road services are not ROUTEX products they are subject to fees for payments using the Circle K EUROPE card. The fees range from 0 to 5%, dependent on the issuing country. 

    For detailed information please contact Circle K

  • What is R4T?

    R4T is “ROUTEX-4-TRUCKS”. The ROUTEX-4-TRUCKS network consists of sites strategically located along all major European road corridors. These sites are distinguished by their competitive offer, providing the services and facilities required by today's hauliers at convenient transient locations. More than 1,000 ROUTEX-4-TRUCKS sites in 29 European countries accept the Circle K EUROPE card today. ROUTEX-4-TRUCKS is part of the much larger Circle K EUROPE card acceptance network.

  • What is the fuel price abroad?

    Usually customers are invoiced on the pump price minus discount (if the customer has any). Exceptions are in Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden and Norway, where customers are invoiced on a “list price” basis. The list price can be different from the pump price - either higher or, in some cases, lower. In the “list price” countries there is no reason to spend time and effort searching for the lowest pump prices, as customer are charged the list price anyway. 

    You can find a weekly overview of diesel prices across the ROUTEX network in the Diesel prices section of our website.

  • What is the currency exchange rate for purchases abroad?

    All transactions made with Circle K EUROPE cards are recorded in the local currency and exchanged to the issuer’s currency at the current exchange rate* published on the ''Financial times''website. For example, when a Norwegian customer has bought fuel in Germany, their invoice shows the purchase amount in Euros and the equivalent amount in Norwegian Kroner. A currency exchange fee of 1% is included in the invoiced price.

    * The closing mid-rate (average rate) on the day when the transaction was made.


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