Network & map

Truck stop map

Use your Circle K EUROPE card in 29 countries and at 17 000 sites and plan your route or search for sites all over Europe that accept your Circle K EUROPE card.

Whether you are driving a car or a truck with special goods, our Route Planner & Site Finder will help you plan a head!

With the truck stop map you can: 

  • Save your favourite searches in MyCircleK and send maps with route descriptions to your driver

  • Download detailed maps of strategically located sites along all major European road corridors that provide the services and facilities required by today´s hauliers. 

  • Car & Van search: Find any of the 17,000 sites that accept your Circle K EUROPE card. Use this filter if you drive a passenger car, a van or a light commercial vehicle.

  • Truck & Bus search: Find sites that are suitable for your truck or bus. Select the “R4T” filter to find the best 1,000 truck stops on major transport corridors across Europe

  • Country list: Find sites where your Circle K EUROPE card will always be welcome!

  • Your search results can be printed out, saved as a PDF document or sent by email using the Print & Export function located under the map.


Map & route planner

Use our map and route planner for sites all over Europe that accept your Circle K EUROPE card.

Map of tolls information and on-road services

Here you will find a map with information for on-road services and tolls information in Europe.